
Irina Livija

My motto - "Love is my Master"

Welcome! My name is Irina Livija. I am happy to meet you!
I facilitate regular trainings & intensive groups with a taste of Tantra, where we delicately, but effectively explore, open, develop potential of our nature, sexuality, power, where we connect to the source of Clarity, expand and become more free in the heart & body for the sake of Love.

Tantra in my vision is a teaching of Unity & Love. The methods that I give are opening us to deep YES to life, to embodiment of higher intelligence. It is a pathway to health, relationship vitality and life purpose. I am happy to share practices that guide to expansion of consciousness and sexual ecstasy, to spiritual growth and respectful acceptance of embodied life.
Mentor and group facilitator in the world of self-development, consciousness awakening, dance & movement therapy. Holistic body therapist. Artist. Path of Heart pacer. High intuit. Inspiring, awakening, healing fair totality of human nature - wild to grace.

Guide & follower on the Path of Heart, female & mixed group masterclass facilitator. More than 10 years guiding retreats, groups & workshops, life-long experience in various movement & dance practice. Most of her life has devoted to explore & practice Tantra, Qi-gong, Meditations, Healing bodywork. Certified by Int. Transpersonal Psychology Association. Member of European Coach Federation team. Assisted to Masters Prem Gitama, Hariprem, Mahasatvaa Ananda Sarita, Tanhit Ma Kali, Peruquios, Gulschen Artun and others. Mother. Woman. P.S. Business career incl. 15 years trainer for personnel of international companies in Moscow, SPB, Sochi, Kiev, Minsk, Yerevan, Baku, etc. and beauty consultant for few luxury brands (incl.Chanel). Facilitates group and private sessions, work l-ges English, Russian, Latvian.


Regular Events

Ecstatic Dance Riga co-founder
Irina Livija is also a cofounder and regular host of Ecstatic Dance Riga events. Ceremony Leader. Holds opening/closing circles. Facilitates breathwork sessions, dance warm up, sound healings, etc.
Cacao Ceremony host & Heart opening rituals
Irina Livija facilitates Cacao ceremonies & Heart healing rituals. Gentle & beautiful, empowering & raw, graceful & sincere process.
Contact dance flow (Tantric dance): Sensual Contact Ecstatic Dance experience
Irina Livija is creator & facilitator of Sensual Contact dance sessions (flow ecstatic or conscious tantric dance variation). She holds regular group classes & parties.
Conscious Tantra Meditation Events: Rituals & Trainings
Irina Livija is an experienced failitator, guide & trainer on the path of Heart Tantra. She holds regular events, trainings, retreats devoted to connection of wild & sensual life force energy to the heart space and to the universal cosmic energy. Embracing everything as sacred - feminine & masculine polarities, dark & light expressions, nature & spirit, energy & consciousness.

Some Past Events


Retreats and Tours


Private & Online Sessions

Individual Sessions
You are welcome to apply for a private session where I help you to relax in safe space, connect to your truth, find the core & issue. We will use reliable methods to clarify & heal your situation or state (incl. experienced & highly intuitive guidance, breath & body exercises, sound & voice therapy, holistic approach). Delicately, but efficiently we guide you to higher contentment, freedom and well-being in life.
Sessions for couples
I offer you to meet your partner in a new way and reinvigorate your relationship! In a safe and respectful way, through easy, but deep Dance and Tantric arts I will guide you to more sincere, conscious and sparkling contact. Welcome for private journeys in the beautiful space. Warmhearted, delicate attitude will support your re-opening to each other and blossoming of feelings.
Online Sessions
I welcome you to contact me via Zoom or other Live channel for an individual work, advise, meditation and healing, bringing more inner peace, wholeness, awareness and clarity. I offer complete privacy. Please check that your internet connection is good. Working Online is not in any way inferior to meeting in person, it is different, but it is also effective.
Contacts: +37129440843 (Telegram/WhatsUp, Email: Livija777@yahoo.com





Photo & Video

New York
New York
San Francisco



I am based in Riga, Latvia. But available for travelling abroad. I gladly expect your message at my email:

You can contact me:
+37129440843 Telegram: @irinalivija Insta: @irinalivija


Welcome To Support My Activity

I am very grateful, if you You wish to support my work by leaving a donation, please click link below.